Mid-Week Social Drive Pie In The Sky S2323

  • 26 Apr 2023
  • 10:00 - 14:18
  • Pie In The Sky
  • 1


  • Member Drive Only
  • Member of PCNSW

Registration is closed

Mid-Week Drive 

Pie In The Sky

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

The drive is approximately 1 1/2 hrs so no comfort stops planned. Make sure you coffee up and empty out at Cowan before we leave.

The drive will take us north on the M1 Freeway to Peats Ridge Rd exit and then onto Mangrove Mountain and then onto Wisemans Ferry Rd towards Gosford and onto the Old Pacific Hwy to Pie In The Sky just before we reach Cowan. 

Arrive at Pie In The Sky at approximately noon for Lunch.

Then sit down and enjoy a simple lunch for as long as we like. Food and drink at your own expense.

The Menu caters for all tastes.


When booking via the link below, choose one of two options so we can advise Pie in the Sky of how many to expect for lunch.

Drive and Lunch Stop - limit 40 people.

Drive Only - no limit.

Cost: $10 per car (lunch at own expense)

Limit: 40 members for lunch

Drive Notes: Emailed 48 hours prior to the event to registered members.

For more information contact John Marosszeky on 0418 202 705

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